Friday, September 5, 2008

Did we ever think this looked good?

Last weekend, we drove down to So. Cal for the weekend.  While there, we attended the 40th birthday party of one of Steve's good friends - Brenan German.  They attended Jr. High and High School together, graduating from Villa Park High in 1985.

The party was an 80s theme, and dressing appropriately was a requirement.  We hit a couple of thrift stores, and scored the perfect outfits.  A few accessories from Target, a borrowed crimping iron (thanks Stefanie!) and some bright blue eye shadow and frosty pink lipstick, and we were ready to go!

As we were walking out the door, leaving the kids with grandma for the evening, Olivia looked at me and said "I don't want to be mean mom, but you look sort of ugly." Steve on the other hand, thought I was totally HOT! He was checking me out all night.

The party was a blast, and we fit right in with the mullet wigs, Madonna look-a-likes and such. 80's music blasted from every speaker, and lots of stories were shared. Most are not appropriate for posting here...

This picture was hanging on the entry wall when we walked in - it's a picture of Steve & his group of friends right after graduation, before they all went their separate ways.  

Steve's the blonde stud on the end in the red shorts.

It's all very "Breakfast Club-ish", don't you think?


holly said...

Love it! You guys look great!!

Anonymous said...

Totally awesome! Is that what we used to say in the 80's? You guys look so Rad! =o)

Love the outfit. I have a feeling you should be that for Halloween. I love that Olivia said you look sort of ugly. Cracked me up. Glad you had a great time!

emily, etc, etc said...

Love it!

Ryan and Renee said...

I love your outfits! And that picture of Steve is priceless! Love it!