Thursday, July 24, 2008

Grant as Mr. Potato Head

Nearly every year I was in school, there was that one kid who was always doing silly things, getting into trouble in one way or another. Not because they were actual trouble-makers, but simply because they couldn't help themselves. I fear that I may be raising one of those kids.

Grant came outside yesterday, wearing Mr. Potato Head glasses, and Olivia's 4-H hat. He came up with the ensemble completely on his own. Jack, Olivia and I were already outside. When Grant came out, he immediately started giggling at himself, pointing at his glasses and hat, saying "funny hat, funny gasses" (not a mis-spelling there, that's how he said it!).

I came across a quote a while back that said "Silly is you in a natural state. And serious is something you have to be until you can be silly again." I have three years before Grant goes to kindergarten - and hopefully he'll keep the silliness to a minimum when it's time to buckle down!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way too cute. He cracks me up!