Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Olivia is at an age where she is easily distracted, doesn't listen all that well and forgets what I ask her to do the minute I'm out of her sight.

Yesterday, she brought home her science book to review for a big test today.  After she was done studying, I gently reminded her to put her science book back in her backpack, so she wouldn't forget it today (her science tests are open book).  

As we were leaving for swim practice, I nearly stepped on the book, and again reminded her to put it in her backpack as soon as we got home, which she readily agreed to.

This morning, I saw the book still on the floor.  I again reminded her to put the book in her backpack.

Ten minutes after she left, I walked into the laundry room...and there's her book, lying right where she had left it yesterday.  I was furious.  

I immediately called my friend who drives Olivia to school and asked her to give the phone to Olivia.  Olivia gets on the phone and this is how the conversation goes:  

Olivia: "Hi mom.  (pause)  Did you put my science book in my backpack?"

Me:  "No, Olivia, I didn't.  That wasn't my responsibility.  How many times did I remind you to put it in your backpack?"

Olivia:  "I don't know.  Lots, I think.  I forgot."

Me:  "How do you propose to take your open-book test without a book?"

Olivia:  "Maybe I can borrow a friends book."

Me:  "I don't think Mrs. Owen will let you share a book during a test, do you?"

Olivia:  "Probably not."

Against my better judgement, I then threw the boys in the car and drove the 15 minutes to school to deliver her science book.  I was fuming the whole way.  

When I picked her up this afternoon and asked how her test went, she said "Pretty good, I think.  Thank you for bringing my book."  At least she acknowledged it.  We got home and had a lengthy discussion on consequences.  I tried not to lecture.  I then told her that she owed me 2 hours of time (my time to drive the book there and back, gas money, and an extra hour for good measure), with no complaints.  She agreed without hesitation.

Hopefully this will be the last textbook forgotten.  I'm not holding my breath.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Been there ... done that. I think my mom did the same thing. You're a great mom! (it's not the end of it though ... you'll be bringing her stuff to school for many years to come!)