Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Winds of Change

Last night as I sat glued to my seat watching the election results unfold, I was grateful to be alive at this time, and grateful for the opportunity to live in a democracy.

This was my 5th time voting in a Presidential Election.  The first time was when Clinton ran and won.  I remember being excited at that time to be able to participate in electing a president.  I don't remember who I voted for (shows you what an impact that vote had on me!), but I remember waiting in the poll line in Provo with a bunch of my friends, thinking it was the coolest thing to be able to vote.

The following three presidential elections were rather insignificant to me.  I didn't have strong views, or even really know and understand the candidates different perspectives.  I also didn't feel that my vote necessarily mattered that much.

This time around however, I felt deeply inclined to learn about the candidates, and try and make a truly informed decision.  Not just one that might personally benefit me, but that had the potential to improve our nation...our nation that has sunk deeper and deeper into peril the past 8 years.

I'm a registered Republican.  I have almost always voted along my party lines.  My parents were Republicans when I was growing up (I think my mom has now changed to Democrat).  My grandparents were Republicans.  The conservative views in the past have more closely aligned with my morals and values.  In some elections, I checked the box next to "Republican" just because I was Republican, not because I understood the platform the candidate was representing.

This time around however, I switched sides.  I voted for Barack Obama.  And I'm proud of it.  I'm optimistic that he has what it takes to inspire, motivate and challenge us to become better individuals, and as such, become a better nation.  I am proud that we as a country have pushed past the Black-White barriers that have prevailed for so many years, and have elected a man based on what he stands for rather than the color of his skin.  

As I listened to his acceptance speech last night, I was touched.  I actually teared up a couple of times (I know, no surprise).  I have faith that he will make good on his promises.  It is not an easy road that lies ahead.  And I do not expect him to be perfect, nor to wave a magic wand and make everything magically better.  But I have hope that we,  the democracy that has elected him (by a landslide, I might add) will step up to the plate and support him, and accept him, as the 44th President of the United States of America.  And together, I think we can accomplish greatness.

P.S.  I'm thrilled about Prop 8 passing, even if by a slim margin.  Once again proof that the Lord does indeed have a hand in what happens here.

1 comment:

The DeVito's said...

I was going to tell you tonight, but you vanished before I could. I LOVE this post! I'm so excited Obama won, I hope that he can fulfill even half of the promises. He'll do great things!