Monday, November 10, 2008

Small Successes

Friday marked the end of my 10-week online weight loss challenge.  I went into it thinking I could win.   Enough hours spent at the gym and running, coupled with watching my diet would do the trick.  3500 calories burned = 1 pound lost, right? 

In the end, I lost 7.5 pounds, and 3.63% of my body weight.   Not quite the 15-20 pounds I had hoped for, but I'm happy.  I was far from being the winner - she lost 14% of her body weight. Good for her!  

Along the way, I realized that this is a lifestyle thing - not just a 10 week contest.  I think I'm ready to commit to a more healthy all-the-time way of living.  

I have a tendency to sabotage myself, losing a couple of pounds, then eating something just for the sake of eating it, like an entire bag of peanut butter M&M's.  And telling myself I can work out extra tomorrow to make up for it.  Not the healthiest habit, I'm aware.  I know that I have to have splurges - treats to look forward to - in order to make life livable.  So from here on out, I'm going to TRY to make the splurges my rewards for a week of eating healthy.  And I'm NOT going to gain back that 7.5 pounds.  They're gone for good.  


Ashley said...

That is a BIG success! I am proud of you, and jealous. I am in a family weight-loss contest and have GAINED weight! I know what I need to do, I just need to get some of your discipline. Well done.

Anonymous said...

You have SO much will power. You go to the gym, you work out, you run marathons, you're in triathalons .. I'm amazed! You're incredible! AND .. you look DANG good!

emily, etc, etc said...

7.5 lbs is really good and really healthy! You should be very proud of yourself. I am totally impressed.