Thursday, January 17, 2008

Our kitchen grew!

When we bought our first house 8 years ago, we had to buy all the appliances to go with it. When we picked out our refrigerator, we bought the biggest one that would fit in the space, on the edge of the kitchen with one side against the wall. It was deeper than our cabinets, but we didn't really notice it since it was against the wall. When we moved to this house, the opening for the fridge was smack in the middle of the wall, with the oven/microwave on one side and cabinets on the other. The fridge stuck out a good foot from the cabinets.

A few weeks ago, we came across a "french door" style fridge, with a pull-out freezer on the bottom. It was counter depth, so we were losing some cubic feet, but we decided the continuity of the kitchen more than made up for the lost space! The fridge was delivered today, and I love it! Yes, it's definitely smaller inside. But it looks so much better in the kitchen.

We moved the monster down to the garage, to keep our upright freezer company. I can store extras of everything down there, and just put what I need upstairs. Am I a dork for being excited about an appliance? Probably, but who cares?!


Ashley said...

If you are a dork, then I am a bigger dork for being totally jealous of your beautiful kitchen and fridge! And to have a spare fridge for storage. . . divine!!!

Anonymous said...

I've gotta say it's gorgeous and I love new ANYTHING! How awesome! I can't wait to see it tomorrow! I get excited when I get a new spoon in my kitchen .. new fridge .. totally awesome!