Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Out with the old...In with the new!

Happy New Year!

Last night, as we ate our take out from Strizzi's and tried to have a somewhat civilized celebratory dinner, we each listed our best memories and accomplishments of the year. Here they are:

Olivia: Biggest accomplishment - Getting baptized in August. Best memory - Seeing the Broadway musical "Wicked" with grandma, mom, Aunt Jeanne, Aunt Kathy & cousins.

Jack: Biggest accomplishment - Pooping in the toilet...FINALLY (I added the emphasis there...it was an accomplishment in patience for me!). Best memory - 4th Birthday at Enchanted Forest.

Grant: Biggest accomplishment - Too many to list...firsts of lots of things!

Steve: Biggest accomplishment - Raising 3 amazing kids for 1 more year. Best memory - Camping at Pismo Beach with the family and trying out the newly acquired dune buggy.

Me: Biggest accomplishment - Completing my first 1/2 marathon and my 3rd triathlon. Best memory - Celebrating 10th anniversary with an amazing trip to Mexico with my honey!

So now, it's time for a few resolutions. I'm notorious for making and not keeping these, so this year, I'm not going to over-commit. But there are a few things I would like to work on:

1. Lose the 10 extra pounds I've been carrying around since Olivia was born.
2. Read the weekly Sunday School assignment before Sunday rolls around.
3. Yell less at my kids. Figure out how to get them to listen (and respond) to my normal voice.
4. Spend more time doing the things I enjoy. Not sure how this one will come to pass, but I want to include it anyway. I figure if I write it down, I'll at least think about making it happen.

There's about 200 other items I'd like to list as well, but as I said before, I want to be realistic and not try and change the world in a day. So I'll work on these 4, but still try and improve the rest of me as well!

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