Thursday, May 13, 2010

A word of caution...

My best mother-in-law (yes, she's my only, but still my best) sent me this bumper sticker today.

Ironically, I was sitting at a stoplight when it arrived in my inbox.

Perhaps it was just a coincidence. Or perhaps a cautionary warning.

I love my iPhone. I love that it has email, internet, texting, weather, movie times, and all sorts of other apps that make my life a little easier and a lot more fun (including Scrabble, which entertains me and distracts me when I'm sitting waiting for a kid somewhere...). I can keep up on all that I need to during the day when I am away from home. But it is also tempting to pick it up at times when my focus should be otherwise directed. Like at a stoplight. Granted, I wasn't moving, and the light had just turned red, so I knew I had at least a couple of seconds to sit and wait. But I'm not ready to meet the Big Fella, so that phone is staying closed when the motor is running from here on out.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I love it! That cracks me up!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure your mother-in-law has told you many time, Alyson the Big Fella is always watching you!!

The DeVito's said...

I need to do the same thing! I haven't yet signed Oprah's no phone zone cause I know that might make me shake from withdrawals!