Thursday, March 27, 2008

Easter Meltdown (and I ain't talking chocolate)

It's hilarious to me how parents (okay, I'm speaking of myself here) have these grand expectations for how children should respond to holidays. I expect my kids to sit happily on Santa's lap, to beam as they search for colored eggs at Easter time, etc. I'm almost always disappointed by my unrealistic expectations, not to mention the photos I get (or don't get, whatever the case may be). So this Easter, I prepared myself, and was actually amused by Grant's reaction to the Easter Egg Hunt at Nan's (Steve's mom) house.

We went outside and the kids found their baskets lined up in a row first. Grant got an Elmo movie in his basket (ironically, titled "What Makes You Happy?") and that was the end of it. He didn't want to search for eggs, even though his eggs were little cute! He proceeded to throw himself down on the grass and cry hysterically. All he wanted to do was watch his new movie...which apparently, was too much to ask.

He did eventually end up inside, and once he heard the theme song to Elmo's World, immediately quit crying and was happy as could be.  

I continued the egg hunt in his place, and willingly ate the chocolates hidden inside each one. After all, in 85 degree heat, they were just going to melt if left outside much longer.  It was the least I could do.


Anonymous said...

I love this post - even though I've already heard the story. It's even better with the pictures. =o) I also love that Jack isn't wearing a shirt! That's too funny. I have all these expectations for the holidays and I've learned that, with a kid, none of them are going to happen. I didn't get a single picture of Mallory in her Easter dress on Easter Sunday. I didn't get a picture of her NOT crying to Santa's lap. What can you do? They keep up going, they keep up smiling, they keep up remembering that we can't plan out everything. Motherhood has changed me for the better. I love every minute of it.

Ashley said...

I agree with Stef--great post and so so true! The holiday photo shoots of the kids always stress me out and nearly ruin the holiday. I am going to lower my expectations! Your kids look adorable--I love the boys in their shorts. And I think it's hilarious that Grant is bawling in the picture--that will be a great memory.

emily, etc, etc said...

Sounds like the story of my life. When all are happy around my children seem to be hysterical. We have that Elmo movie - man, it is a good one. Adam is three and still enjoying it on a regular basis.