Monday, April 23, 2007

Big People Crash, too

At 34 1/2, I had my first bike crash since I was about 6. It happened during triathalon training on Saturday morning, when I neglected to unclip my shoe from my pedal before stopping. Actually, I had unclipped my left foot, but for some reason, I leaned to the right. Oops! It happened so quickly, and yet seemed in slow motion. Pavement is not very forgiving! The scrape is healing, and no permanent damage was done...except to my pride, perhaps!

The fall was a good reminder for many areas of life. I pedal along, cruising at a good pace and then all of a sudden, a red light comes along, and if I'm not paying close attention, WHAM, I hit the ground with a thud. These times force me to examine my life, and figure out why I missed the warning signs.

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