Thursday, August 9, 2012


Six years ago yesterday, this little guy joined our family.

Today, he looks like this.

The last few weeks have been a little crazy, to say the least. This past Sunday, I looked at the calendar and realized Grant's birthday was just 3 days away. I almost nominated myself for mom of the year.

I hastily texted a couple of his friends, asking if they could come along with us on a birthday outing. Two of the three responded yes. Party was on!

We started the day off with donuts.

Then home for family presents (no sense in waiting until later!).

At 11:00, we picked up the two friends, and headed to McDonald's for lunch.

Then, we hit the bowling alley, before ending the celebration at Yogurtland for some self-serve frozen yogurt and presents.

Grant has been watching his big brother and sister go golfing every weekend with Steve for the past 2 years. Our country club has a minimum age of 6 to play on the course. In spite of the fact that it was about 100 degrees outside, Grant was insistent that he and Steve play. I swear, Steve has the patience of Job.

Then, dinner at California Pizza Kitchen (his choice!).

His future's so bright, he's gotta wear shades. Even at 9:00 at night. 
Yep, dinner at 9pm. On a weeknight.

To further strengthen my qualifications for "Most Awesome Mom Ever", I tried to talk Grant out of a homemade cake. I was thinking it would be great for CPK to sing and bring him a free brownie sundae. Plus, there would be no leftover cake at home calling to me. He would have nothing of the sort. I had baked the cake earlier in the day, but when we got home at 9:30 from dinner, I had yet to frost it. A few minutes, a stick of butter, some cocoa, and powdered sugar later, we presented him with this. Not my finest work, but she got 'er done.

Still donning the shades. But the golf shirt came off the minute we walked in the house. 
This kid would be naked all day if I'd let him.

Perhaps my lack of planning and enthusiasm for his birthday has less to do with him, and more to do with me resisting him growing up so darn fast.

At six years old, Grant weighs 56 lbs and is 46.5" tall. He had his annual physical yesterday, where the doctor informed us that he's in the 75th percentile for his height, 90th percentile for his weight, and his BMI is in the 95th percentile. She suggested we try and steer away from treats and fast food, get him to eat more fruits and veggies, and get more exercise. Apparently, 4-5 hours of swimming a day isn't enough.

Seriously, does this kid look overweight? I don't think so. He's built like a brick wall!

(Side note: I find humor in the fact that the day after the doctor tells us to watch his weight and food intake, we start the day with donuts, have McD's for lunch, then frozen yogurt, then rich and creamy mac & cheese for dinner, followed by chocolate cake. He did eat 4 strawberries before donuts . . . so that counts for something, right?)

This kid has brought so much life into our home these last six years.

He makes messes like nobody's business.

He's fiercely independent. It's either his way or the highway.

Nothing slows him down. Nothing.
Not a broken arm.
Not his overprotective mom.

He tackles everything he does with gusto.

He was the anchor swimmer for the t-shirt relay at our family swim meet. 
I don't even know what place his team finished, but this was his reaction!

He knows how to make us laugh.

He completes our family. 
He rocks our world. 
Even when he throws us slightly askew.

His face here says it all . . .

Happy Birthday Grant . . . we love you!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Ha, he is totally the Bennett of your family! It makes me happy to see what a fun/great kid he's turned into--may Benny fare as well!

That birthday was spectacular--you ARE mother of the year! And that golf picture of you guys is darling. What a fun phase of life you are in with kids who can all do stuff with you, and still want to!

P.S. I remember you being pregnant with Grant. It was yesterday.