Friday, September 28, 2012

40 . . . It's the new 30!

At least that's what people keep telling me!

The truth? I think 40 is better than 30. I have ten more years of life experiences behind me. Ten more years of wisdom. Ten more years of strength. Ten more years of laughter. Ten more years with my husband and kids. Ten more years of figuring out who I am, what's really important to me, and what I want my life to be.

Granted, I also have ten more years' worth of gray hairs, stretch marks, sagging skin, and wrinkles.

A couple of weeks ago, in the car, I had this conversation with Olivia:

"Mom, it's weird, I'm in 8th grade, and I'm 13, and it just doesn't feel like I'm as mature as the other 8th grade classes before me. They just seemed so much more grown up and mature than how I feel now that I'm there."

I wanted to laugh out loud as I replied, "That's so funny Olivia . . . because I don't feel like I'm nearly as grown up or mature as the other 40 year old women I know. I always thought by the time I hit 40, I'd have it all together and feel, well, just more grown up. . . but the truth is, I don't feel much different than I did at 30, or even 20. I'm still just me!"

She looked at me like I had a screw loose. Just like I looked at my dad 25 years ago when he told me he still felt just like he did when he graduated from high school. I thought he was full of bologna. I guess maybe he knew what he was talking about after all . . .

I am thrilled to be 40. OK, thrilled might be too strong an adjective. But turning 40 sure beats the alternative of NOT making it to 40. So I'll take it!


Holly said...

And you make 40 look good! It's funny how I still look back and think - "remember when XX was old??" Like my mom said, it's all perspective!

Emily said...

40 is the new 30 for sure! I'm excited to start following you on your blog :)