Saturday, November 13, 2010

Wake up call

One morning last week, I woke up and realized that there were no more babies in this house. I felt a little like Rip Van Winkle, waking up from an extended, deep sleep and seeing the world changed around me.

For the past 11 years, we've had a baby or toddler in the house. We've changed thousands of diapers and woken up countless times for mid-night feedings. Not to mention all the other duties, stresses, responsibilities, and joys that come with a baby.

I looked out the front door on Wednesday morning, and saw this:

Grant was headed down the walkway to jump into the car for his ride to school. Somehow, the bald little baby who was born just yesterday (it seems) turned into a boy. A real boy.

A boy who dresses himself for school.

A boy who rides the school bus on field trips.

A boy who goes potty unassisted.

A boy who feeds himself.

A boy who entertains himself and can communicate his needs and carry on an entertaining and attentive conversation.

A boy who sleeps through the night. (Most of the time)

A boy who now only rarely wants to be held. And almost never wants kisses.

It is a strange feeling to know that the baby stage of our family is officially over. It makes me feel old. Like somehow not having a baby anymore has aged me into a middle-age person instead of a young mom. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

While I know that at some point, everyone has to be done having babies, there's a part of me that aches to go through it all over again. I miss the newness of life, so perfectly perfect and full of wonder. I miss being so solely needed and being the one responsible for the sustaining of life of a tiny, helpless being.

But then, just when I consider begging and pleading Steve to try for one more, that same four year old, who at times is so grown up, reverts to his near-forgotten baby ways, and throws a fit like this:

And in that moment, I am content to be moving on to the next stage of life.


Anonymous said...

Come on Steve--JUST ONE MORE TIME :)

The DeVito's said...

I love that you filmed him throwing a fit! When you ache for a baby come here and you can deal with Bella and in a few months hold the new one!

Ashley said...

You are still TOTALLY a young mom!

This post is so poignant--such mixed emotions about the baby/toddler stage. Mostly I love it and it makes me sad that it will one day end.

But the sleep! The time to yourself! The ability to get. something. done. And most importantly, THE SLEEP!

Times and seasons, right. I think the young kids phase that you are in will be so, so fun! And I love getting previews of it from you.

Still, that was pretty rude of Grant to grow up like that!

Anonymous said...

I just want to say "ditto" to everything Ash said. There's something wonderful about being past all the baby stuff .. sleep being number one. It does go by so fast though and I want to hold on to it forever right now. I can't believe Zach is as big as he is .. I hate it. I also hate that your baby is 4. That's just ridiculous! Time just moves right on by.

emily, etc, etc said...

That post actually made me tear up a bit! I think it sad and great to move onto the next stage. To be honest with you though, I have been in the baby stage now for almost 8 years and will still be in it for another 3 or so and I am just tired! I look forward to when my youngest is four and a little more independent. I know I will miss the babies though.

Christy said...

ya know, I was just thinking the same things the other day! AJ is still in diapers, but really I can see how this is all changing so fast right before my very eyes. and I'm afraid I'm not fooling anyone with my young mom act anymore.

brooke said...

I am so envious of your stage of life. I can only dream of sending my last child out the door to the bus...

I was reading through your blog and DIED at the mural. It is so funny. It kills me because from what I can tell, the rest of your house is so classy and beautiful. I'm glad your little boys aren't scared anymore!

I want the full house tour!