Easter morning, we took the kids to the park to run off a little steam and excess energy before the family all came to Steve's mom's house for the holiday celebration. While we were at the park, Grant jumped off the highest platforms, biggest slides, and twisty ladders. I looked at Steve and said "How long until we're in the ER with that kid?"
I got my answer less than 2 hours later. He and Jack were wrestling on the floor, Grant flipped over and whacked his head on a 35 lb. metal dumbbell. I rushed over and grabbed him and saw there was blood everywhere. Not a pretty sight.

Steve and I drove him to St. Joseph's Hospital in Orange. They called us back pretty quickly, took a look, and put some numbing gel on his forehead.
Grant was pretty comfy on the bed, and was entertained watching Phinneus & Ferb on Disney Channel.

He doesn't look too miserable, does he?
The doc opted to use Dermabond over stitches.

While his scar may be a little bigger than with stitches, we didn't have to restrain him in a papoose in order to close up the wound. A fair trade-off I think.
We arrived home in time for a yummy Easter dinner, and delightful afternoon together with family. The Easter Bunny even made an appearance.
The kids had a ball hanging out with their big "cousies", and a boyfriend even joined the group this year. A sign that the big girls are growing up indeed...
Look at you updatin' the blog! Awesome! Love the pictures of Grant. Poor thing.
Why are your nieces so stinkin' gorgeous? They're all models. It's crazy.
Glad you guys had such a good time! Miss you so much!
Grant looks so big! It is crazy to see how much he is looking like his mommy. Wish we saw you guys more often. I have a child very much like Grant (and about the same age), so maybe it is better that we don't get them together just yet.;)
Was that at Aunt Joyce's house?? So many wonderful memories there! I miss her. You'll have to tell her I said hi! :) Also, I need your email address. I've made my blog private and want to make sure you have an invite. email me at krw111@hotmail.com THANKS!
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