In June of 1996, I moved to San Bernardino, CA. I was engaged to be married at the end of the month to a guy I met while on my mission to the Canary Islands. We had a long distance relationship after we both got home, and based on our comfort and friendship with one another, I mistook that for something much deeper.
With just 3 weeks to go until the big day, all the preparations had been made. I had a dress, the invitations were mailed, the reception planned completely. Once I arrived in Southern California, my doubts began to increase exponentially. At first, I assumed it was just normal jitters. But it quickly became apparent that it was much more than that.
As I was trying to figure out our relationship, I went to a temp agency to find a job. I went on two interviews. The first was to a Budweiser plant. The second was to a small engineering office. I interviewed with a man named Richard, the office leader. Both interviews went very well. I was qualified, personable and fit the job requirements perfectly. Both offered me a position. The jobs were nearly identical. The pay was the same. As a practicing Mormon, I felt I had a moral conflict with the beer plant. So, I took the job with the engineering firm.
When I walked into the office the first morning, an incredibly handsome man was setting up a computer at what would become my desk. I was momentarily speechless. I quickly gathered my wits and introduced myself. He stuck out his hand, and said "Hi, I'm Steve Whitaker."

(Steve, circa 1995)
Over the next few days, my engagement unraveled completely. I was a wreck. I didn't want to turn around and move back home - I was embarrassed to admit that I had called off my wedding. But I didn't know a soul, other than my fiance and his family. I found a girl in the single's ward who was looking for a roommate for 3 months. I figured this would give me the chance to figure out what I wanted to do.
As I went to work each day, I found myself intrigued with this Steve guy. I tried to listen closely to his office conversations. Was he married? Did he have a girlfriend? I began to piece together an image of him in my mind. He had a house in Huntington Beach. He drove a Porche. He was a surfer, and owned a 60's-era Harley.
When I flew home to Portland for the weekend of my non-wedding, my parents asked me what my future plans were. I had no idea. I remember telling them "There's this guy at work that is extremely intriguing. He's handsome, smart, successful, and I think he's a total player. But I'd sort of like to find out more." My parents FREAKED out...with good reason!
Over the next few weeks, another employee in the office named Wendy started befriending me. She asked me questions about my broken relationship, and told me Steve was available. She was persistent, and made it quite clear that she thought we'd be perfect for each other. She quietly and subtly passed information to both Steve and me. In mid-July, I found a folded note on my desk. It said something like this:
I'm not sure what the status is between you and your boyfriend. But I know you're new in town, and probably don't have many friends. I'd like to show you some of the sights, if you're interested.
I was shocked. I passed a note back to him in his office saying "That would be great!"
We had our first real date on July 11, 1996. We went to El Torito for dinner. It was the best first date of my life. There were no lulls in conversation. We had much in common, and many similar interests.
He brought me back to my apartment, walked me to the door, thanked me for a fun evening, and shook my hand.
I went inside, completely twitterpated. And yet, absolutely terrified of getting into another relationship so soon after calling off a wedding.
Over the next several weeks, we spent more and more time together. We tried to keep things completely professional at work, which wasn't easy. I remember one day going into his office to give him a message, and taking a couple steps backward as we smiled at each other. I turned around to walk out of his office, and ran smack into the doorway.
About 6 weeks after we began dating, my temporary employment position was up for review to become permanent. Steve and I had discussed the options, and both of us felt like it was in the best interest of our relationship for me to resign and look elsewhere for a job. When I told Richard I was resigning, he smiled with a gleam in his eye that let me know he suspected the real reason behind me leaving. He later told me that he knew what would happen from the moment he met me.
When we got married the next year, we invited both Richard (the boss) and Wendy (the matchmaker) to our reception.
Over the years, Steve and I have often talked about Wendy, and the influence she had on us and our early relationship. She moved on to another company, and aside from the yearly holiday card, we lost contact. This past summer, she and Steve reconnected through work.
This past weekend while down in Southern California, we had dinner at Wendy's house. Richard and his wife were there as well. It was so much fun to see both of them, and to hear their sides of our love story. Wendy was so excited to see us happy together, and to meet our 3 little ones...a direct result of her matchmaking.

Of all the people who have influenced the course of my life, I am most grateful to Richard for offering me a job, and to Wendy, who knew before we did that Steve and I were a match made in heaven.